Our Mission
To engage, inspire, educate, and form the minds and hearts of children and the youth through digital technology as an effective response to the
call of New Evangelization.

We aim to cultivate a deep and enduring love for Christ and his Church, reaching the hearts and souls of the young people in today’s digital age.
Grounded in the Word of God and the Catechism of the Catholic Church, our gamified lessons are filled with prayers, Bible stories, animated videos, interactive games and mission tasks that are meant to energize the faith and concretize it in daily life.
*Dr. Lope Lesigues, CEO and Founder
​Why G.O.O.D?
Through meaningful catechetical games, young people become focused and attentive. The constant repetition of playing the games gives them mastery of the faith lessons.​
A positive online experience is an alternative to the overwhelming negative influences that lead to confusion and doubt.
This is a way to give the young people of today an opportunity to participate, collaborate and work as teams
and as part of the community.
A growing faith becomes a living testimony of true discipleship. Through this dynamic program, such kind of faith is
nurtured over time.

Solid Catholic Teaching
Ensuring all content is solidly Catholic, accurately reflecting the teachings of the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the rich traditions of our faith

Alignment with the New Evangelization
Responding to the call of the New Evangelization by reaching out to young people where they are, using digital means to share the timeless message of God's infinite love and mercy

Digital Engagement
Utilizing innovative, interactive, and user-friendly digital formats that resonate with young minds, making learning about the faith both exciting and accessible

Online Accessibility
Accessing the programs through the IOS, android and the web platforms make it easy for the learners, parents and teachers to engage in lessons of the faith

Spiritual Growth
Fostering a personal encounter with Jesus Christ, encouraging a deeper understanding and love of the Scriptures, and promoting a life of virtue and service

Community and Support
Building a supportive online community for parents, religion teachers, catechists, priests, and bishops, providing resources and guidance to help them nurture the faith of the young people in their care

Digital Catechesis is a translation of Pope Francis’ (with Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict) call to ‘new evangelization’, giving the Gospel message a fresh look by way of ‘new ardor, new method, new expression’.
It offers a language most understandable by the ‘digital natives’, allowing them to articulate their own faith and become active evangelizers to the world.